Friday, March 6, 2015

Figbarf Friday -- The DuckBarf!

‘DuckBarf’ has been on my Figbarf Friday list since its inception.  But always at the very, very bottom.  In the ‘if I ever completely run out of other ideas’ section.  It’s always been on the list, but I never expected that I’d actually get to it.  But then, yesterday’s post happened, and suddenly not only couldn’t I see it NOT getting done, I couldn’t see it not getting done yet today. 

So, BattleGorilla’s LEGO Blog is pleased (?) to present to you:  the DuckBarf. 

Disney’s DuckBarf

Those DuckTales minifigures I talked about wanting so badly yesterday?  Well, I actually want them so badly that I once tried to cobble together a set with mostly non-minifigure parts. 

All actual LEGO parts (except for a couple of cloth pieces obtained from CapeMadness for Uncle $crooge’s coat). 


Yes, I know how goofy these guys look.  But it’s as close as I can come to minifig-looking versions of the characters.  So until we get (“he says, head firmly in the clouds”) the real DuckTales minifigs, these will have to do. 

Uncle $crooge


Here we see $crooge McDuck in his natural habitat:  Slowly sinking into a big pile of cold hard cash.  All that money, and he’s still too stingy to buy a new top hat.  Sad. 


$crooge’s coat is a CapeMadness red trenchcoat combined with their blue collar piece.  I had to cut the coat a little in the back to make the tailfeathers stick out. 

Donald Duck


I know, I know… His outfit isn’t the right color.  Donald’s sailor suit is blue with white, whereas the CMF Sailor minifig is white with blue.  But, a sailor suit’s a sailor suit, right?  It at least gives you the right idea. 

Since LEGO doesn’t currently make peglegs in orange, I’ve substituted orange telescopes.  (Which is fine, because if I did have working hip/leg combinations for them, I wouldn’t be able to use the 2x2 plate that holds the tailfeathers in place.) 


Hubert “Huey” Duck, nephew of Donald, great-nephew of $crooge, and nominal leader of the triplets.  (He’s the red-garbed one). 


Shorter legs for Huey, Dewey, and Louie than for the adults in the group.  Three orange round 1x1 plates stacked one atop the other. 


Deuteronomy “Dewey” Duck, dressed in blue. 


The tailfeathers are a 45 degree 2x1 triple slope (a piece that will forever be known to me simply as a duckbutt).  Positioned on the back half of a white 2x2 plate, which shows a little bit of the white (gasp! nudity!) feathers below their shirts. 

…and Louie

Louis “Louie” Duck.  Normally dressed in green, but currently…


For some reason, inbetween the group photo and the individual photos, Louie changed into his Junior Woodchuck uniform.  Must be a meeting scheduled for today. 

The first time I saw a prerelease photo of Wiley Fusebot from the LEGO Movie Collectable Minifigures Series, I shouted to myself, “Junior Woodchuck hat!”  (I often shout things to myself when browsing the LEGO news sites.  That’s not odd, is it?)

Worst? Figbarf? Ever?

I was extremely proud of these designs when I thought them up, but actually putting the pieces I had in mind together here in the real world resulted in something far odder than I was picturing. 

I’m still sort of proud of my designs, but I’m also very aware of how hinky they look.  One more reason to hope for ‘the real thing’ in the form of LEGO DuckTales sets with actual minifigures.

1 comment:

  1. These really do look great, Mike! The characters are instantly recognizable. Hey, I'll put in my vote for a Lego DuckTales line! Also, maybe you could challenge builders to create other pop culture figures using this method -- like, figures that can only include, say, 2 elements off an official minifig, and be limited to 2 inches tall. You could start something here!
